Flights in real-time

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Sign up to your reserved area on and activate the new section FOLLOW YOUR FLIGHTS to keep updated on the state of your flight, from taking-off to landing. You’ll have information about departure, arrival and possible changes on the schedule. Your flight updates in real-time will be noticed by email, or by push notification if you’re logged on the official app. It’s a free of charge service, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and it’s available for any departing or arriving flight in Abruzzo Airport.

Voli Tempo Reale Stagionali Voli Tempo Reale Stagionali

  • Seleziona una città
21/01/2025 00:11
VoloAirportCittàOrarioOrario PrevistoTipo VoloStatoNotifiche
FR 05470OTOPENIBUCAREST07:4507:45Linea
FR 05471OTOPENIBUCAREST11:5011:50Linea
W4 05085TIRANA13:1013:10Linea
W4 05086TIRANA13:4513:45Linea